K Kids Therapy is a therapist owned clinic serving the East Texas Area, located in Lindale Texas providing occupational therapy and physical therapy. We work in coordination with another therapist owned businesses, including Lindale Pediatric Therapy which provides Speech Therapy services. We are all conveniently located in the same building to be able to meet all your child’s therapy needs.
Our therapist’s here at K Kids have their own personal experiences of having a child with special needs. We understand the challenges and emotional impact it has on the family unit. We also understand the growth, strength and joy that comes from those experiences. We are happy to share our story if you would like. But more than that, we would love to hear your story and to walk with you on this journey. We love to celebrate the progress each child makes and we have been know to cry with parent’s when times are rough. It is our passion and joy to be in a position to help children and families. We are honored when a family chooses to entrust their child to us to help address their concerns.
Jill Kirkpatrick
OTR and Owner